In cold stress relieving method due to focusing high power mechanical ultrasonic waves on stress concentration areas, residual stresses are released in a very short time and completely cold condition. This will improve the mechanical properties of the weld area.

Ultrasonic cold stress relieving is performed in two general ways: Centralized method and inclusive method.

1. Centralized method or ultrasonic peening:
See ultrasonic peening section
2. Ultrasonic Inclusive Cold Stress Relieving (UCSR)
This operation serves as a complement and replaces in some cases with heat treatment stress relieving method.
Tensile residual stress release mechanism and mechanical properties improvement in cold and hot ultrasonic method:
Cold method: Increasing atomic fluctuations and returning atoms from unstable to stable status
Hot method: Reducing the yield stress at high temperatures and reduce the level of residual stresses to below the yield stress.


1. Mining Industries
o Anti-wearing rollers in the mineral industry
o Anti-rubbing bearings or bowls
2. Aviation Industries
3. Oil and Gas Industries

1. International institute of welding (IIW)
2. American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
3. Lloyd’s Register (LR)
4. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
5. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
6. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)